Things to Do Before Graduation: The Bucket List!
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Your time at university is a wonderful opportunity to push yourself to try new things. Follow our handy list of things you can do before graduation to make your student experience the best it can be!
1. Throw a Party:
Throwing a party can seem a bit daunting but is a fabulous way to gather your favourite people in the same place. Test your hand in the kitchen, treat your guests to some snacks, or even throw a fancy dinner party!
2. Decorate your Room:
It doesn’t matter whether you’re in a luxury student accommodation or cheap student accommodation, some decorations and pictures will make any room feel ten times homelier.
3. Attend a Sports Match:
Even if sports aren’t your thing, going to a sports match at university is a rite of passage! Everyone is in good form, the atmosphere is electric, and it is also a great way to spend some time with friends!
4. Join a Club/Society:
This is an unmissable opportunity to practice something you love. Take on an activity that you’ve always wanted to try! Becoming a member of a society is a must for students. It’s a great way to pass your time and allows you to make friends with those who share your interests.
5. Fancy Dress with your Friends:
Pick a theme and run with it! This is a hilarious way to break the ice and meet new people. It also allows you to show off your creativity!
6. Soak in the Culture:
Don’t forget to visit the main heritage sites to learn more about where you live. If you share photos with your family, you’ll even give them a taste of the place too!
7. Plan a Weekend Away:
University is fun, but a weekend away is an amazing opportunity to visit somewhere new and have a break. You’ll be able to come back to class with a refreshed attitude.
8. Use the Library:
Although this may not be the most attractive activity on this list, the resources available are definitely worth mentioning. Never again will you have free access to this many online journals or books. So don’t let it go to waste!
9. Join a Protest:
Activism is an important part of being a student. This is why getting involved before graduation can help you discover the issues you are passionate about.
10. Milk the Discounts:
Being a student can be expensive, but your student ID is the golden ticket for many discounts. Enjoy subsidized rates on a variety of things including museums, movies, and also food.
Written by Polly Hatcher