Rules to avoid Roommate Drama like a Boss
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Moving out of your family home may seem like the end of household problems, but that’s usually too good to be true. Students from different countries, cultures, social backgrounds and personal habits being made to live in close quarters can lead to a bit of a rumble sometimes. Before you throw the towel in, there are a few easy steps you may consider to keep roommate drama at bay.
Lay Ground Rules
Even if you have spent most of your life dodging the rules, they are going to be your best friend in this regard. Celebrate your early days of moving in with your new roommates through a quick heart-to-heart and setting up of guidelines — over a drink or two, of course! Define individual responsibilities like cleaning, taking out the trash, inviting guests over, sharing food, etc. Clear rules prevent misunderstandings from occurring and help to define personal boundaries early.
Strike a Balance
When it comes to your roommate, think of them more as your spouse or business partner. You are dependent on your roomie for many things and will be spending a lot of time in their company. It is important to find the right balance in your interactions with them. Don’t be a doormat or sugar-coat everything you say. Needless to say, being unpleasant will also not help in any way. Pay attention to how you convey your opinions so that the message is sent across firmly but politely.
Communication is Key
No matter how much you try, there will always be things on which you are going to disagree with your roommates. You may not like how they load the dishwasher or play obnoxious music or a number of other things that boil down to personal preferences. In such situations, it is always advisable to reach out to them early and discuss the issue at hand with appropriate explanations. Not only will this encourage you to find a solution to the problem together, but also strengthen your bond in the process!
Finding the right living situation can help avoid roommate trouble to a great extent. University Living helps to pair like-minded individuals with common interests as roommates or housemates to ensure that all students have a happy stay!