Tips to Make It to a Morning Lecture
College is an exciting rollercoaster of adventures, but the dreaded 9 AM lecture can really put a dent in your joyride. Our cheeky guide will help you skip that early morning struggle so you can show up to class looking every bit the sincere and devoted student you want your professors to think you are.
1. Pack Your Bags: You never know when or how you’re going to wake up in the morning, so pack your bag the night before and keep it ready to go. Apart from your class essentials, it’s always a good idea to throw in a couple of emergency supplies like chewing gum, paracetamol, sunglasses, etc. for when you’re nursing a particularly nasty hangover.
2. Sort Your Clothes: Figure out what you’re going to wear the night before to avoid early morning panic. Make sure your outfit is comfortable and quick to put on so you can show up to class on time without looking like you were dressed by an overly imaginative child.
3. Limit Shower Time: Time flies when you‘re taking a shower, especially a hot one! Put a limit on bath time by setting an obnoxiously loud alarm. Even better, create a fun playlist for that exact duration and watch yourself hustle when the last song comes on!
4. Eat on the Go: We hate to be that guy, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped. Prep your meals in advance so you have something to dig into on your way to class. Keep it simple with a breakfast bagel or sandwich and wash it down with a healthy protein shake for bonus points!
5. Get Your Beauty Sleep: We know how hard it is to get some shut-eye in college, especially where there are parties to attend and beer pong to win! Set aside time for a solid seven hours of sleep the night before to give your mind and body the rest they need to concentrate during lectures. That Netflix show you want to binge watch can wait until tomorrow, your education will not.
6. Listen to Your Body: Good health is the first step to accomplishing all your goals and this case is no different. Balance out all the late-night ramen with a couple of healthy food choices to keep your body in check. Hit the gym of your student accommodation a few days each week, rope in a weekend swim or try out for the sports team to avoid putting your fitness on the backburner.