Student Accommodation in Washington
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Perfect Student Housing in Washington
The capital city has a lot to offer for those who decide to visit, with landscapes, mountains and rain forests. Washington was granted statehood in 1889 and has been named in honor of George Washington, making it the one and only state in the US that is named after a president. Also known as the museum capital of the USA, there are several attractions in Washington such as Capitol Hill which makes a tour around the state seem like walk through the pages of history. You must also visit museums such as the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress, and the National Archives, where you will uncover the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.
University Living is a managed marketplace that provides a range of accommodation options for students pursuing higher education in Washington. With a main focus on purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA), the platform continues to stand by its mission of providing a safe home for each student at all times. Ever since its inception, University Living has crossed many milestones and has helped 1.5Mn students by providing 1 million beds in 210 cities globally.
Explore Washington
To every person who visits, there is a lot that they take away in just one day, and given that, one of the best ways to take in the different experiences, especially in the summer is by spending time outdoors. You will discover the world's finest treasures right here – from the National Mall to a variety of parks and gardens. What’s more, the state’s coastal location and outstanding harbors have been of great help in establishing it as a leader in trade with neighbors liken Alaska and Canada along with countries of the Pacific Rim.
What sets Washington apart?
It is a known fact that the one thing that most defines Washington is that the laws that have been written ever since its history. The US Capitol, the White House, and the Supreme Court – three branches of government are all residing within a few blocks of each other. The State of Washington is also the nation’s leader when it comes to exporting apples and is the home of the most popular coffee chain Starbucks. Along with that, each year the state sees an intake of tourists who spend a day in the National Mall, touring the different museums. The National Cherry Blossom Festival is held annually , which is a big event celebrated since Japan gave the first of what would be hundreds of cherry trees to the people of Washington.
Universities in Washington
For international students who decide to pursue higher education in Washington, there are several universities and institutions to choose from. Those who keen to know about clean technology and entrepreneurship will be elated to know there are many opportunities for them. There are six state universities as well as more than 20 private institutions in the city where you can choose from a diverse range of majors and degree courses, both short term and long term. Some of the famous Universities of Washington are:
Student life in Washington
With the University of Washington, Georgetown University, Seattle University, and Washington State University, it is no surprise that the state boasts some of the most distinguished institutions in the country. This is the reason students from all around the world come here for their higher education. Washington hosts a student-friendly environment to explore and make the most of the university experience studying in the heart of the US.

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